Oct 15, 2008

Education in Macedonia vs Netherlands!

I am currently working closely with the International Business School in Groningen as part of my JD in CanvasCompany.

I can immediately recognize the difference in quality between the Educational Systems in Macedonia and Netherlands. The students that "exit" the Faculties and Business Schools are more prepared to enter their professional lifes and start their careers more prepared.
The Educational System in the Netherlands (and Western Europe in general) are providing many different experiences to their students, from academic, professional and cultural aspect. The students follow their theoretical lectures, work closely with the private sector, have internships in good companies and going for studying semestar abroad for 6 months.

As a graduated student from Macedonia, I must say that the Educational System in Macedonia (and on the Balkans in general) is only 1/3 from the whole experience mentioned above.

I believe that many of our faculties and ministries are putting a lot effort in improving the Educational System, but it is going with a slower pace.

I might be interested in involving myself in improving the Educational System on the Balkans and I believe there are many ways to provide full development experiences to the young people in Macedonia!

I enjoy myself working wiht IBS Groningen. I learn a lot and I meet really cool people. And I am thinking about the future.. ;)


1 comment:

Rogi said...

:) As a recently graduated young man that will face these challenges - I'll let you know what I think in a while :D

C ya