Oct 6, 2008

Fullfillment at work!

I have received several comments that my post was not readible because of the font, so here I copy-paste the post with "Ariel" font. Hope it's ok now..

I believe that having a fullfilling job is one of the most important things in life, we all have to achieve..
I sometimes hear the concept "work-life" balance and I wonder:

Isn't work part of your life? Do you become a different person when you go to work?

Work consumes more then 60% of our time and I believe we all have to strive to be truly happy and enjoy that time with all the people that surrounds us. We can not park our personality in front of the building and enter with our fake smile and pretend to be happy.. And then at 17h be happy that you are going home, so you can be yourself again.. I believe that by doing so, the frustrations are pilling up, we are becoming more inpatient and one day we just explode at our dear ones! At the people that we expect them to understand..

I believe for having a fullfilling job, that makes us truly happy, there are 4 human needs that it needs to be satisfied
1. Phisycal. The money we receive should satisfy our basic and material needs. It should allow us to enjoy the sweet pleasures of life..
2. Intelectual. Our job needs to be challenging and responsible enough that will make us LEARN each day.
3. Emotional. Working within a TEAM and meeting new PEOPLE makes our ability to connect with people, even stronger! Your emotional intellegence is getting stronger and you are able to understand, respect and CONNECT with different people from different social groups.
4. Spiritual. One of our deepest needs is having the feeling that we are doing the RIGHT thing.. I believe our job should have MEANING.. We have to have a feeling that we are MAKING A DIFFERENCE in this world, that our "work" is not for nothing..

It is definitely difficult to always find fullfilling job, but that is why I like entrepreneurship. You are the creator of your dream job! Being an Entrepreneur is not an easy job to succeed, but it pays off.. Many people are satisfied with the feeling of receiving the salary in the end of the month, that gets the bills paid and lets us to enjoy the momentary pleasures in life.. But then again, we are deciding our own limits..
What is your limit? How far will you go?!

I want to be an entrepreneur.. I am striving for a fullfilling job that will make me truly happy..
And I am sure we are all doing the same..

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