Oct 16, 2008

See what you CAN do and not what you CAN NOT!

Circle of influence!

It is simply one of the strong elements that the book from Stephen Covey "7 habits of highly effective people" influenced me.

Focusing on things that you have power to change and stop bothering with things that you can not influence creates a sustainable change!
and everything starts with YourSelF! As you move into a certain direction by working on the things you CAN change, your power of influence increases and you are able to DO a larger-scale CHANGE!

It is one of the things I strongly believe! It makes me push harder and go into a certain direction!
That is why I mainly don't bother with politics! Especially in Macedonia! (and on the Balkas in general). I think that many, non-political studying, young people on the Balkans, bother too much with politics and that makes them stuck in a "not-moving" BOX! And they actually don't do anything about it!
I mean if you really want to do some change, don't just talk about it, but involve yourself into! See what are you doing in your everyday life in order for that CHANGE to be created! And create the CHANGE in what you believe in!
Do you know in what do you believe? What do you want to succeed in? Do you work hard to achieve that? Do you Walk your talK?

My current chosen fields of development are Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. I bother about things connected with these areas and I am working hard to achieve my objectives!
And I am grateful that my current working environment is also supporting me in that direction and makes me successful!

Look around you! Maybe not the people around you need to change!
What could YOU have done better in order for you to have more positive output in each situation?

Stephen Covey is one of my favorite writers and I would suggest you to read some of his books when you have time..

Well, I am going to finish this post with one of the most influencial quote from Gandhi:
"Become the CHANGE that YOU want to see in the world!!"

Have a good evening,


Antonio Jovanovski said...

Hey, thanks man!

I checked the website, it's cool!
One of my favorite Stephen Covey's book is 'the 8th Habit', I just recently read.
It summarizes all my thoughts on Leadership and it is one of the best books about 'fullfilment' I ever read.

Keep it up! ;)

Rogi said...

Haven't read anything from Covey yet :) but I will.

Never the less I totally agree with everything, especially the part which say that you should not waste your energy on bothering with things that you don't have influence on (like politics). He he, I've been doing this all my live. It's my primary guide that enables me to focus on achieving my goals without the headaches of the everyday life.

There's a quote from Henry Ford, that is actually on another topic of CAN and CAN'T but it's one of my favorites so I'll share it.

"Whether you think that you CAN or think that you CAN'T - you're right"

Antonio Jovanovski said...

Nice one :)
Well, I am waiting for my "working permit", so if something goes wrong I'll blame it on our prime minister! :) (ironic laugh:)

Congrats for your Graduation by the way! Now the FUN starts! :)

Warm regards,

Antonio Jovanovski said...

ps. and you have to read something from Stephen Covey! :)
Ask Chopo, he has books from Stephen. ;)

And feel free to share your thoughts..