One of my main work responsibility in the previous 3 months was preparing and facilitating the Strategic Meeting of my company, here in the Netherlands. As I described in one of my previous posts (post: "Strategic Planning Process"), it was a pleasure for me to read and learn about different Strategic Organizational Tools and to customize their approach in order to get the most out of our "SM". In the end, the approaches I chose to use, were: "Appreciative Inquiry" and "Value Driven Organizations".
You have probably heard about "Appreciative Inqiry" - organizational tool that is about search for the BEST in people, their organizations, and the relevant world around them. It affirms and builds on what is positive and strong about an organizational culture – what it gives LIFE. In its basic form, Appreciative Inquiry is a guided process for creating meaningful and transformational conversations; But in this post I want to write more about the approach of "Building a Value Driven Organizations". The author of the book, Richard Barret gave me this book on the "EBBF Annual Conference" on September 2007. He is also the author of the well known book "Liberating the Corporate Soul".
His approach is based on "whole system change" where he connects the development of an individual with the development of organizations.
"Whole-system change begins with a shift in the personal cosciousness of individuals and ends with a shift in the groups actions and behaviours. Organizations don't transform. People do!"
He starts with describing the 7 levels of Personal Consciousness (an extension of "Maslov hierarchy of needs") and goes into 7 level of Organizational Consciousness. Each level focuses on particular excistential need that is natural to the human condition. Indivudual and Organizations grow in consciousness by learning to master the satisfaction of these needs.
The 7 levels are the following:
Level 1: "Survival" - satisfying our physicial needs
Level 2: "Relationship" - feeling safe, respected and loved
Level 3: "Self-esteem" - feeling a sense of personal worth
Level 4: "Transformation" - finding freedom by letting go of our fears about survival, feeling loved and being respected by our peers.
Level 5: "Internal Cohesion" - finding personal meaning in existence
Level 6: "Making a difference" - making a positive difference in the world
Level 7: "Service" - leading a life of selfless service.
The "basic" needs (levels 1 to 3) focus on our personal self-interest or meeting the needs of the EGO. The "higher" needs (levels 5 to 7) focus on our spiritual needs or meeting the needs of the SOUL. The focus on "level 4" is transformation - a shift from self-interest to common good. This is where the ego learns to let go of its fears so that it can become ONE with the soul.
The fears of the EGO lead us to believe that we do not have enough of what we need. Consequently, we are never fully happy because we do not have enough money, love or respect. Individuals who focus exclusively on the satisfaction of the lower needs, tend to live self-centered, shallow lives. On the other hand, individuals that focus on satisfying exclusively on the satisfaction of the higher needs tend to lack the necessary skills to operate effectively in the physical world. Or with other words, "they are not grounded".
To be successful in the world we need to learn how to master the satisfaction of all our neefs so we can operate from full-spectrum consciousness. The successful mastery of each stage involves two steps: first, becoming AWARE of the emergent need and second, developing the skills that are necessary to satisfy the need. And this personal approach is translated into 7 levels of Organizational Consciousness.
One of my main goals of my company's Strategic Meeting was to bring "awareness" about "where are we now?", where do we want to go? (Appreciative Inquiry) and "what do we need to get there" (strategy).
The first 2 days were a great success, where we answered the first 2 questions and now this week comes the time for the third question, which will also determine my near future.. Well, let's see what will happen, I'll keep you updated in some of my next posts! :)
By the way, reading this book made me reflect about the level of personal consciousness I operate and made me aware about where should I improve..
From which levels of consciousness do you mostly operate?
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